
ALAGA Dummy Disc Plate YT-8600

商品価格 ¥1,800 税込¥1,980
商品ランク 評価:2
パーツカテゴリ Other(Custom & Tuning) / Other Dressup Parts
メーカー名 Maker unspecified parts
ショップ名 UPGARAGE owariasahiten
送料サイズ S (1 package(s))
在庫状況 あと0点
決済方法 クレジットカード決済、ペイジー決済、コンビニ決済、代金引換

2 sheets It is a part that makes the drum brake look like a disc brake. For PCD100-120 cars with 4 or 5H drum brakes Tosetsuyu secure You can also check status and mail order by phone or e-mail! We will also accept additional images! Additional information please inform us of the store control number

You can also check status and mail order by phone or e-mail! Feel free to add additional images! Please inform us of the store control number when making inquiries <br/>通販代引き/e-コレクト利用可能です♪

店舗管理番号 E126808
付属品 None