
Wakealli AVO Stabilizer Link ForR Final Disposal Price

商品価格 ¥590 税込¥649
商品ランク 評価:0
パーツカテゴリ Shock Absorber / Other Suspension Accessories
メーカー名 Maker unspecified parts
ショップ名 UPGARAGE ibarakikamisuten
Legacy Touring Wagon
Drivetrain: 4WD, Type: BP5, Engine Type: EJ20, Year: Early Model (zenki) [2003(H15)〜2006(H18)]
Legacy B4
Drivetrain: 4WD, Type: BL5, Engine Type: EJ20, Year: Early Model (zenki) [2003(H15)〜2006(H18)]
送料サイズ SS (1 package(s))
在庫状況 あと1点
決済方法 クレジットカード決済、ペイジー決済、コンビニ決済、代金引換

Legacy Touring Wagon/Legacy B4 BP5 / BL5 There are scratches, rust, dents on the nut, and cracks on the boots. There was no sticking in the adjustment parts, but the ball joints were stuck. Reason for poor condition

店舗管理番号 VM030220
付属品 None
車検対応 Safety Standard Ok